Capital controls linked Frauds in International Trade

Punjab national bank fraud involves international trade where goods and capital move in and out of country. While the goods move physically, the capital moves (or at times doesn't) through various electronic arrangement between banks. The aim of this post is to enumerate various frauds that have been noticed in this area, and which are linked in some ways to capital controls that India maintains. They wouldn't have occurred but for the myriad capital controls placed on our economy while keeping an open current account. When goods can move free, and capital cannot, one can become a mule for the other. Other than capital controls, money laundering may also be the motive in few of them. Frauds in international trade Anyway, here are the common modus operandi of some popular frauds 1. Under or Over Invoicing of Exports/Imports - The 90s fraud This was a common method of evading capital controls and to gain wrongful incentives under various government support pro...